References Vocational Training and Employment | Selection
Policy Advice
Support to GIZ in the conception of the TVET reform programme 'EU4Skills', Ukraine | GIZ 2019-2020
Support to KfW in the development of innovative approaches to promoting vocational training and employment within the framework of Financial Cooperation | 2007-2008 and 2016-2018
KfW Guideline: Approaches to promoting vocational education and training and employment | second, revised edition | German language | KfW, 2018
Support to the Myanmar Ministry of Education in the design of the national education strategy | UNICEF, 2015
Concept paper: Innovative alliances in vocational education and training | BMZ, 2013
Advising the Vietnam Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs on the amendment of the Vocational Training Law | GIZ, 2013
Support to BMZ in the development of its policy guidelines for vocational education and training | 2010-2012
Drafting of the BMZ position paper: Vocational education and training in German development policy | BMZ, 2012
GIZ Guideline: Financing vocational training | guidelines for advisory services in the context of Technical Cooperation | GIZ, 2012
Development of the integrated project approach 'Youth employment and violence prevention' | KfW, 2011 | in cooperation with FAKT
Advising the BMZ on the development of the vocational training partnership programme, BBP | 2010-2011 | in cooperation with sequa
Concept paper on vocational training partnerships with the business sector | BMZ, 2011
Guideline: Selection and Promotion of TVET Institutes based on Criteria, Vietnam | GIZ, 2010
Support to KfW in the development of its internal project appraisal guidelines for Financial Cooperation projects in the vocational training sector | 2009 and 2019
Advising the Vietnamese Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs on the development of the national vocational training strategy | GIZ, 2009-2010
Development of criteria for the evaluation and design of vocational competence centres, Kosovo | GIZ, 2009
KfW Guideline: Innovative Approaches to Promoting Vocational Training and Employment | KfW, 2008
Approaches to vocational education and training in the informal sector, draft of an internal guideline | GIZ, 2003
Sectoral Analysis, Concepts and Consultancy
Build4Skills, Study "TVET in Construction. Findings from Mongolia and Pakistan" | GIZ, 2020
Noor Solar Projects | Concept Study: Lessons learnt in terms of qualification, improving employability and jobs creation, Morocco | Masen, KfW, 2019
Construction-related advice to the Ministry of Education on the rehabilitation and expansion of various vocational training centres in Myanmar | MoE, KfW, 2017
Regional Conference on Vocational Education and Training, Jakarta/Indonesia, April 2014 | responsible conference design, expert inputs, workshop moderation for the thematic areas 'cooperation with the business sector' and 'financing of vocational training’ | BMZ, GIZ, 2014
Study on the recruitment of skilled workers in other countries, Asia | GIZ, BMWi, 2013
Study on private sector participation in vocational training in Sri Lanka | GIZ, 2013
Study for an innovative pilot project of vocational training in cooperation with German business | various countries | BMZ, GIZ, 2012-2013
Developing market-oriented quality and sustainability criteria for the food supply chain in the Philippines | sequa, AFOS Foundation, 2012
Vocational Training Programme 2008, Vietnam: Development plans for 5 vocational training institutions | GIZ, 2010/2011 | in cooperation with ICON
Concept paper for the establishment of vocational competence centres in Vietnam | GIZ, 2010
Cost-benefit analysis of vocational education and training, the example of in-company initial training, Georgia | GIZ, 2010
Study: costing of vocational training, Georgia | GIZ, 2010
Development of a calculation model for cost-benefit analysis of vocational education and training | GIZ, 2009-2010
Criteria-based evaluation of 20 vocational training institutes, Vietnam | GIZ, 2009-2010
Stakeholder workshop on financing vocational training, Vietnam | GIZ, 2009
Sector study: business participation in vocational training, Vietnam | GIZ, 2009
Concept study: development of occupational profiles for the construction sector, Kosovo | GIZ, 2009
Concept paper: QM/ISO certification of TVET providers based on quality standards, Ethiopia | GIZ, 2008
Study: School construction costs in Yemen | KfW, 2007-2008 | in cooperation with ICON
Project Development and Project Design
Feasibility and project design study: Promotion of Centers of Excellence for Tourism and Winery in Georgia | investment volume € 20 million | MoESCS, KfW, 2020-2021
Feasibility study: Establishment of the financing facility "Investment for Employment" | within the framework of the BMZ special initiative "Training and Employment" in Africa | fund volume € 80.0 million | BMZ, KfW, 2018-2019 | in cooperation with IPC
Project concept: Establishment of the 'Kosovo Challenge Fund', Kosovo | fund volume up to € 15.0 million | KfW, 2018
Project concept: Establishment of the 'Regional Challenge Fund', Western Balkans | fund volume up to € 50.0 million | KfW, 2018
Feasibility and project design study: Promotion of vocational training in Jordan | investment volume € 20.0 million | MoPIC, KfW, 2018-2019
Feasibility and project design study: Promotion of a professional academy in Georgia | investment volume € 23.0 million | MoESCS, KfW, 2018-2019
Feasibility study: Kenyan-German Training Initiative | Promotion of several competence centres for cooperative training in the greater Nairobi area | investment volume € 17.0 million | MoE, KfW, 2016-2017
Feasibility study: Establishment of a 'Challenge Fund' for dual-cooperative vocational training in Laos | fund volume € 6.0 million | MoES, KfW, 2016-2017
Feasibility study: Establishment of a 'Challenge Fund' for cooperative vocational training in Vietnam | fund volume € 11.4 million | MoIT, KfW, 2016-2017
Feasibility study: Expansion of the Lao German Technical College in Laos | investment volume € 1.0 million | MoES, KfW, 2017
Concept study: Nationwide introduction of 'Fast Track Skills Assessments' in Myanmar | GIZ, 2015
Feasibility study: Vocational training reform programme in Myanmar | Component 2: Development of the Baelin Teacher Training Centre | investment volume € 7.0 million | MoE, KfW in cooperation with GIZ, 2015-2016
Feasibility study: Vocational training reform programme in Myanmar | Component 1: Promotion of selected Polytechnic Institutes | investment volume € 14.0 | MoE, KfW in cooperation with GIZ, 2015-2016
Pre-feasibility study: Centre of Excellence for Green TVET, Vietnam | investment volume € 9.0 million | MoLISA, KfW, 2013-2014
Feasibility study: Joint vocational training programme Rwanda | contributions by Financial and Technical Cooperation | investment volume € 6.0 million | WDA, KfW, 2012
Concept development: Centre of Excellence for Environment, Kosovo | GIZ, 2011
Concept development: Youth Centre, Kosovo | GIZ, 2011
Feasibility study: TVET voucher programme Ghana | fund volume € 20.0 million | COTVET, KfW, 2011
Pre-feasibility study and feasibility study: Promotion of an international Centre of Excellence for TVET in Vietnam | investment volume € 13.5 million | GIZ in cooperation with KfW, 2010-2011
Sector study and programme design: Promotion of vocational training institutions, Laos | investment volume € 5.0 million | KfW, 2010
Project appraisal: Vocational training partnership programme, Philippines | sequa, 2010
Project appraisal: Promotion of Centres of Excellence in the context of vocational training reform, Kosovo | GIZ, 2009
Sector study and project conception: Promotion of vocational training for target groups in the informal sector, Tanzania | ILO, 2009
Programme appraisal: Vocational training programme 2008, Vietnam | promotion of 5 vocational training institutions through Technical Cooperation | GIZ, 2008
Feasibility study: Vocational training programme 2008, Vietnam | investment volume € 10.0 million | KfW, 2007
Project Implementation
Vocational Education Financing Facility, VEFF | design of the Challenge Fund incl. funding policy, grant categories, and operational procedures, development of a web-based Grant Management System, comprehensive fund management | contract value € 2.4 million | MoES, KfW, 2019-2024
Ghana TVET Voucher Project, GTVP phase 1 | Project design, establishment of a fund management unit, development of a web-based voucher management system, comprehensive fund management | contract value € 2.2 million | COTVET, KfW, 2015-2020
Ghana Skills Development Initiative | Promotion of vocational training in the informal and agricultural sectors | GSDI, phases 1-3 | contract value € 12.2 million | GIZ, 2015- 2019 | in cooperation with GFA
Promotion of vocational training centres in Rwanda | contract value € 1.3 million | WDA/KfW, 2014-2018 | in cooperation with GOPA
Advisory service to the Ministry of Education for the implementation of its education strategy, Palestine | contract value € 1.6 million | MoEHE, KfW, 2017-2021 | in cooperation with GOPA
Vocational training and qualification in agriculture, Ethiopia | contract value € 2.1 million | GIZ, 2015-2017 | in cooperation with IAK and Ambero
Promotion of the Industrial Training Centre Sinde, Myanmar | contract value € 0.6 million | MoI, KfW, 2015-2017 | in cooperation with GOPA
Vocational training for wastewater technicians in Vietnam | phases 1-3 | contract value € 3.1 million | GIZ, 2013-2020 | in cooperation with GOPA
Vocational Training Programme 2010 | Promotion of the Technical College LILAMA2 in Vietnam | planning, procurement and installation of technical equipment | contract value € 0.7 million | MoC, KfW, 2014-2017 | in cooperation with GFA
Vocational Training Programme 2008 | Programme to promote vocational training institutions in Vietnam | Planning, procurement and installation of technical equipment | contract value € 0.7 million | MoLISA, KfW, 2014-2016
Promotion of the German-Vietnamese Vocational Training Centre Hai Phong | initial pilot of cooperative training in Vietnam | contract value € 1.2 million | GIZ, 2012-2015 | in cooperation with GFA
Investment programme Vocational training Ethiopia | Promotion of >50 vocational training institutions | planning and implementation of construction works, planning, procurement and installation of technical equipment | contract value € 2.2 million | MoE, KfW, 2004-2009 | in cooperation with WEM
Development and introduction of a nationwide web portal for vocational training institutions as part of the vocational training investment programme (BTVET) Uganda | contract value € 0.2 million | MoE, KfW, 2007-2010 | in cooperation with ICON
Piloting a student loan program for the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector | contract value € 0.5 million | City of Johannesburg, KfW, 2006-2009
Further training of multipliers in the Ethiopian vocational training sector | contract value € 0.2 million | GIZ, 2008 | in cooperation with InWent